Ladies and Gentlemen, Jewels and Germs, Mac and PC users, it is our great pleasure to introduce to you the first ever...
(Drumroll please)
...Bits du Jour Big Bundle!
That's nearly $400 worth of software for only $49.95, a huge 87% Off the retail price.
Whether you're a Mac Maven or a Windows Wizard you'll be sure to find diamonds among this treasure trove of top-shelf software titles.
The BitsDuJour Bundle Includes:
* BitDefender Antivirus 2011: With one of the most powerful (and most licensed) antivirus engines out there, BitDefender Antivirus 2011 means good riddance to bad rubbish.
* TuneUp Gold: Get more out of your music. Much more. TuneUp Gold will make iTunes and Windows Media Player users wonder how they ever got along without it.
* NTI Shadow: It's never too soon to implement an effective data backup solution. And what luck! NTI Shadow just happens to be one of the best backup utilities on the market. Save money and sleep better tonight.
* Screen Calipers: Measure just about anything on your computer screen with these handy virtual calipers. Intuitive, resource-friendly, and fully skinnable. And best of all, you can define your own units!
* LastPass (1 year subscription): Got more passwords than you know what to do with? LastPass the most intuitive, most powerful, and most excellent password manager out there. And it's browser-based for your convenience.
* Postworkshop Artists Edition: Love visual art? Hate cleaning brushes? Postworkshop is a powerful tool that will give new life photos and digital images in ways you never imagined.
* Aurora: Histograms, color channels, contrast, hue, saturation... let's face it -- editing digital photos is pretty complex. Or at least, it was. Aurora gives your photos the professional touch. Automatically!
* 38 Handwriting Fonts: Show how much you care and give your next document or correspondence that personal, handwritten touch. Especially useful for those of us with less-than-adequate penmanship.
* EarthDesk: Anybody can put a map on their desktop. But only EarthDesk makes it spectacular. Dynamic light and weather conditions, gorgeous cloud rendering, and more customization options that you can imagine.
* Movavi Video Converter: Like watching movies? Hate trying to convert them to the correct format? Movavi Video Converter is a veritable powerhouse that'll make short work of all your video conversion needs. And it couldn't be simpler.
Purchase this week and BitsDuJour will throw in Screen Protractor too.
See The BitsDuJour Bundle
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